Friday, 29 June 2012

About me

hi again,
okay. so, this should have pretty much everything you ll want to know about me, but if not feel free to ask! :)

right well, i think the most important things to me are art, music and drama.I think i like them cause they are an easy-ish way to express yourself without having to tell someone directly what your thinking. I'm doing lamda (drama exams) with my teacher Mr France, who's leaving.. although he's still gonna teach us on Thursdays, and i go to youth theatre. I'm also grade 2 violin and play guitar.

I like sports too, in the winter i play hockey, netball and foot ball (because they're winter sports) and i do water polo all year round... for those of you who don't know, water polo is like a cross between football, and swimming, but you ought to, what with it being in the olympics and all.

For gsce's I'm going to do all the compulsories, obviously. as well as history, art and Drama.  When I'm older i want to be a story board artist. (a story board artist is someone who draws sketches of everything that happens in a film. they do this before they make it so the save money and time).
Family, erm. My mums called Shirley. my dads called Richard and i have a 16 year old brother, Daniel. We also have three cats; fluff, pebble and socks, socks is mine.. obviously *SarahSocks* . And a dog, Jess. well.. sorta, shes my aunties but she's moved into a flat that doesn't allow dogs so we're looking after her which is good cause i love her to bits!!

Im 13 years old, and i was born on the 13th of january 1999. Im one of the average people when it comes to popularty.. and i like to think im quite a nice person? I guess you can be the judge of that though. If this just isnt enough for you, go on my About me page, and read that out.. or contact me, as soon as my "contact me" page is finished :)
i think that's everything :) byeeee,

Sarah x

Thursday, 28 June 2012

first post! :)

Hey guys :)

First ever post!! Wow, i always wanted a blog, but i wasn't quite sure what to use if for. And to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure whats going to end up in here. So I'll just see where it goes and hopefully everyone will like it and I'll like posting and sharing my thought with you guys. I'll be back soon with more posts, maybe reviews, stuff about me.. who knows? :P
And I'll probably end up doing an "about me" page, so check that out? And, if you like what you see, don't forget about that follow button, haha :)
cya soon