Sunday 24 March 2013

What I love about summer

So this is the sequel to 'what I love about winter' so that now I can compare and see which is best

1) it's warm (some of the time, it is England after all)
2) loads of time off school
3) more time to spend with friends
4) holidays
5) being able to eat ice creams outside and not freeze my hands off
6) way less stress!!
7) it stays light longer
8) camping
9) long walks a long the canal

I can't decide which I prefer... Probably summer because of 2,3,6,8 but its quite close(:

Bye ❤

What I love about winter

I can't decide if I prefer winter or summer, so I'm going to make a 'what I love about summer' after this one to help me choose. Lets begin.

1) snow ⛄⛄ (but only if I get time off school)
2) hot chocolate
3) Christmas!!
4) my birthday
5) time off school because of Christmas
6) being able to see my breath... I don't really know why I just think its quite cool
7) frost
8) the hockey season
9) making fires and having to stand close to keep warm
10) taking nice photos of the snow
11) New Years

Comment if you can think of any more? Until next time,
Bye ❤

Hello everybody

I have decided that I genuinely miss blogging. I left for a while because everything was just so hectic and I had so much to too all the time. I felt far to stressed and I think it was coming across in some of my posts.

I've finished a few things which were stressing me out, thank god! And I feel now I have enough time to come back! I've also decided I'm going to be doing more on nails as well as make up/ hair, which should be fun... I hope(:

See you soon
Bye ❤

Tuesday 8 January 2013

'nerd, geek, keen'

okay, this is a bit of a weird post, but i really wanted to talk about this. I haven't posted in a while, because I've been actually been getting into my school work, and out of school clubs and things. For example, making sure i do all my homework on time, revising, reading, practising guitar/ violin, and i have been noticing a lot more people putting smart people down. I've been noticing the words 'nerd' and 'kean' in particular. And this isn't always for  extra work, even just doing my homework i seem to get called keen.

I would seriously like to point out, that there isn't anything wrong with being smart, or putting in extra effort. especially if you know what you want to do when your older, and it will help you with that! I do find it a little bit hurtful that these people, who basically cant be bothered to learn, insult these smart, talented people for working hard to develop their skills.

If your getting called stuff like this too, just think (and it really does please me to think this!) some day, they idiots who call you a nerd, might be working for you and be earning half as much money!(:
- and if you are one of the people calling them these things, seriously just think about what your doing, and try to figure out why you feel the need to feel bigger than them. I'm not suggesting that its your fault, there are loads of possible reasons, i don't know, but please; think about it?

I know this was a really weird post, and completely un-related to the posts i usually do, but i really wanted to put it out there that its good to be smart, and have cool skills, even if people tell you otherwise!(:


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hello again ♥

I'm sorry Ive been away so long, i just felt i needed a break and what better time to do so than Christmas? this post can be a general 'whats new' kind of post. I just got back from my nan's house and its quite late, but i thought I'd take advantage of the fact that my creative juices are finally flowing.

Obviously, Christmas has just been, and new years is now upon us, and its wonderful not just because of the presents but Christmas is a great time to get together with relatives and friends. Winter is definitely my favourite time of year, i love the social aspect, the cuddling up at home with your duvet and a hot chocolate, and who doesn't love the presents? - giving, not just receiving(;

Well, it is really very late now, so i should probably be going to bed. There will be lots more posts to come now, i promise!(: see you soon!
